Saturday, February 10, 2007

Stowe Weekend of Hope

May 4-6, 2007 is the Stowe Weekend of Hope which is a celebration of life & learning for cancer survivors and those who love them.
This is year seven(7) that Stowe has hosted this outstanding event. The weekend provides of 30 medical talks & workshops on the latest research in the field, wellness sessions, intensive workshop by cancer type, an inspirational candlelight servce, opening & closing ceremonies featuring will known cancer advocates and the beautiful surroundings of Stowe for shopping, recreation and sightseeing. Stowe provides somplimentary acommodations for first time attendees & discounted accomdations for returning participants. Last year it attracted over 1000 visitors.
If you subscribe to Vermont Life you will find a great article on Page 16 of the new Spring 2007 edition which arrived in my mail box today.
You can learn more at or by calling 802-253-7321.

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