Friday, March 21, 2008

And it Just Keeps Snowing

Woke up this morning to more than 12" at my house and the mountain says 14" on top. There is a snow gauge mounted on top of the mountain and as of two days before Easter it measures over 9 feet of snow.

The phone in the office is ringing off the hook with folks making a last minute decision to get to Stowe this weekend for the annual Easter races and events.

If you enjoy spring skiing steal Tuesday and Wednesday this week away from work. The snow is suppose to stop this afternoon and the temperatures for next week are days in the 40's with nighttime temps in the 20's which makes for outstanding morning skiing. The afternoons will see soft snow.

Also, if you have never visited a Sugar House put that on your schedule of things to do. The sap is running and with the temps of next week it will be a heavy sap run. Boiling will be non-stop and the sweet smell of Maple Syrup will fill the hills. There are numerous Sugar Houses within a one hour drive with 3 or 4 in Stowe. It is something you should do once in your left. Put it on your bucket list.

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